Walk to the River
Original blog. First post October 3, 2011. I have attempted to post every Thursday.
I intend to walk every day, too. Nevertheless, I am generally satisfied with my walking and my writing. Nobody's perfect.
This web log focuses on the questions of what it means to be human. 'Why am I here and what does it all mean?' comes to mind. The intent is to not stray too much into specific religious or political discussions. There are plenty of other places for that.
Imagine a few friends at a corner table talking about life. Or more likely, someone like me with an egg creme and a distant look on his face, invisible smoke coming out of his ears.
Selected and New Posts
This site that your looking at. Designed to put some order into an otherwise linear display of posts. Morphing into a web site.
Close Wandering
This Web log was created after a Sunday morning walk through the neighborhood. The photos for the first post were taken the day after.
Sometimes the weather in Kansas is the same from day to day, but you shouldn't count on it.
Postings are intermittent. Friends and family should contact bhe directly for access.